Thursday, April 24, 2014

C4T Summary- April


I commented on Mr. Joe Bower blog, For The Love Of Learning. Mr. Joe Bower posted a YouTube video of a speech given by Sir Ken Robinson. In the video, Sir Ken Robinson explains that people often times confuse getting back to the basics of education with subjects that they think are more important than others. He argued that the basic of education is the purpose of why we do it. He think that education should be personalized and teachers should be creative with it, add their students culture in it, and accommodated every student's learning style. I responded by saying, Hi, my name is Kastala Brown. I am in a class called EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I agree completely with Sir Ken Robinson. I think teachers need to personalize education for their students. I also think that teachers should be creative with education, embed culture into, and let every student's talents flourish. This is great video. Thanks for sharing.

The second post I commented on was about myths about teachers. The three myths were, the quality of the education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers, the most important single factor in improving quality of education is teachers and that if a student has three or four great teachers he or she will excel or if they have weak teachers they will fall short. Mr. Boyer explains that the school’s culture matter more than the teacher. For students to receive the best education, the school’s culture has to be great. He stated that “great teachers make great schools, but great teachers can’t do it alone”. I commented, Hi, my name is Kastala Brown and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I agree with this post completely. I agree that great teachers make great schools, but they can't do it alone. The school's culture plays a very important role if not the biggest role in the success of the school. Great post!

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