I was assign to comment on Dr. Wesley Fryer’s blog, Moving At The Speed Of Creativity. The first blog post I commented on was titled, You Must Watched This: We Need Educational Change But Not High Stakes Accountability, which was a video of a gentleman named Ethan who argued against Common Core. According to www.corestandards.org, Common Core Standards are state standards that provide a clear understanding of what students are expected to learn. Ethan argued that programs like Common Core will not work and that it shows a lack of trust in teachers. He felt that if educators continue to teach by standards like Common Core they will be leaving students with an empty skill set. Ethan also argued that an educational change is needed, but we should not use programs like Common Core. Dr. Wesley Fryer expressed that he agreed with Ethan.
In my comment I introduced myself and told him about our class EDM310. I also told him that I was pursuing a degree in elementary education. After researching Common Core, I express that I did not think that extreme testing was necessary. I also express that I do think programs like Common Core illustrated mistrust in teachers. I told him how I wanted my students to be creative with learning and I did not want programs to dictate how they learn.
The second blog post I commented on was titled American Revolution Videos From Schoolhouse Rock and Discovery United Streaming. In this post, Dr. Fryer expressed that he had a lot of teachers absent from his school and that they were shorthanded on substitute teachers. He had to become a fifth grade substitute during his planning period. Instead of following the lesson plan that was left for the substitute, he played short videos from Discovery United Streaming to get the students more engaged in the lesson and that they were able to discuss what they have learn in the short videos. He suggested that teachers should get their schools to subscribe to sites like Discovery United Streaming. He felt that this site is a great resource and it will help get students excited about learning.
In my comment, I told him that I understood that it can be hard for a substitute teacher to get the students engaged in the lesson and I thought it was a great idea that he used short videos to get the students engaged. I also told him that when I become a teacher I would like to use sites like Discovery United Streaming to get my students engaged in the lesson that I am teaching.
I agree with you on the common core, I myself wasn't familiar with the program but I read up about it and I see your point. I believe that some programs can overwhelm students and discourage them. Also I think that such websites as you mentioned above are absolutely essential and can greatly aid it the student's performance.