How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?
Peer editing is critiquing work of a peer to help improve his or her writing. What is a peer? A peer is someone your age. Many students (including me) are afraid to critique other students work, but we will be critiquing work all the time as future educators so we might as well get in the habit of it now. There are three important steps we must follow when we are critiquing work of others. We must compliment their work, make suggestions, and make corrections. Staying positive is very important when we critique someone else writing. Compliment the writer by telling him or her what you like or thought he or she did well. Make suggestions on how he or she can improve his or her writing. Ask him or her to use more vivid detail or suggest that they use better word choice. When making corrections, you need to look for things like grammar errors, punctuation errors, and spelling errors. Peer editing can be fun if we let the writer know that we are here to help him or her. Following those three steps can help you become a great editor, but always remember to stay positive. Not only will these steps help you now, but it will also help you when you become an educator.
Top Ten Peer Review Mistakes.
It is important to give a quality peer review and also to receive positive criticism positively. We must always stay on task, take our time, and don’t get defensive. I have committed many of those mistakes that were shown in the video, but now I know what not to do when I do a peer review. The process is very important and we must not be a Picky Patty, Defensive Dave, or any of the characters we saw in the video. We must take the positive criticism with the main goal in mind.
What is Peer Editing?
Peer Editing With Perfection Tutorial.
Writing Peer Review Top Ten Mistakes.
Good job including links. Instead of starting the post with "Each article or video discussed..." maybe you could insert the link in place of that. First talk about Paige Ellis's then specifically discuss What Is Peer Editing. It will give more, direct credit to those sources and will help the post read smoothly. It will also organize the information of your post.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jacey-Balire. I will try that in my next blog post.